We did a little research. If you live in Lansing Michigan, how far would it be to travel to Paradise, Michigan? 298 miles. Below is a chart comparing a Paradise trip to alternative popular summer vacation venues.
Paradise Michigan is located in the Upper Peninsula, about 50 miles northwest of the Mackinac Bridge along scenic M-123, offering a wide range of natural and cultural experiences that provide you with that stress lowering change of pace you so need. For your health, keep that summer vacation plan viable. In Paradise Michigan you can avoid high-cost amusement park fees, watch the shoreline of Lake Superior, hike the trails in the Hiawatha National Forest, and witness the breathtaking site of Tahquamenon Falls. Negotiate food costs by selecting a facility that offers cooking accommodations or even a kitchenette. While enjoying Yooper food delicacies unrivaled by any other favorite summer spot.
You are right, you can't control gas prices, but you can manage other costs while taking time for your health.
Places to Stay! This information is brought to you by the Paradise Area Tourism Council and their members: Curley's Paradise Motel, Magnuson Grand Lakefront Paradise, Paradise Shores Cabins, and Vagabond Motel. Sign up for our newsletter to stay current on activities in the area.